Mission & Goals
Our Mission
If you want to rule a planet you need a technological edge over the locals. In the case of Earth, that edge is black magic - and black magic means Demons. The collaborator cult that forms the rulership caste of our planet is entirely dependent on them for survival.
The goal our team has set for itself in 2024 is to eradicate demon kind from the Earth.
The collaborators allies; demonkind, does not share power. It does not empower the Earthling collaborators. It sets up a system that makes the collaborators entirely dependent on them for everything they do -and if we remove the Demons from the equation, then our rulership caste is no longer dark wizards, they are just garden variety a**holes.
If you do not think this is a War, think again. The manufactured health crisis of 2020 was all focused on administering an experimental gene therapy. That therapy has been proven lethal to many, many people. (Myocarditis and 'died suddenly').
It is better understood as an ACT OF WAR.
The goal of the health crisis was to kill 90% of the population and enslave the rest.
If you look at the Agenda 2030 plan put out by the UN and WEF [Links] then you will see they want a world population of 500 million. That’s what they are working towards and guides all the actions they take. If you understand this, then all the senseless political manuevres make sense.
Our goal is to topple the the demonic world government and the deep state. We don't think we can do it alone. In fact, we expect a large group of humanity to work towards the same goals. And there is a significant percentage who do share our goals and values.
The role we have taken upon ourselves is to eliminate the only real advantage the dark side has. We use our very specialized skills to take the advantage away from humanity's enemies.
This is our primary goal. Though we are working for many different positive outcomes.
Our Goals
Our Methods
Goal 1
To promote the freeing up of Gaia and all life on the planet – humans, animals, birds, sea creatures, insects, elementals, fauna and flora.
Method A
We will achieve this by conducting “missions” to get rid of any existing negative energy, any attempts to control or influence the free will of all lifeforms, or any other attempts to harm the planet and its life forms.
Method C
We meet 4-5 times a week for around 2 hours per session to discuss what missions are needed and to conduct those missions.
Goal 2
To help all life on the planet to move with Gaia to 5D consciously and in their current lifetime.
Method B
This will include using our Divine powers to dismantle and if need be, destroy those entities that will not refrain from doing evil work either here on Gaia or in the universe in general.
Method D
We have participating members in Australia, United States of America and New Zealand.

Our Key Objectives
Deal with the next Predicted Pandemic.
Dismantle the meta-physical aspects of the A.I.
Investigate and disarm Alladin; the AI that made Blackrock rich and its predictive programming to own the whole world.
Shut down the eternal life games of the Dark side actors
Address whatever it is in collective consciousness that keeps people in denial of the leadership problems of Earth.
Alter the core beliefs about God. Our current understandings are inadequate.
Clean up the mess in people made by Quacksines.
Quacksines eject souls from the body. Rescue and recovery effort required.
Make Earth into a galactic sanctuary – the only place untouched by evil.
Build into the next paradigm and sow seeds for the future iteration of the world.
Clean up and replace the demonic garbage left strewn around the world.
The transhuman agenda and the nano tech has entered the wild and domesticated animal populations.
Reset the feminine. This is a highly abused base-line software of human beings.
Investigate and understand the situations of various Secret Space Programs.