Declaration of Independence & Guardianship Role of Humanity

We, the many races of humanity present on planet Earth, declare our independence and sovereignty from all extra-terrestrial and parasitic lifeforms/entities and consciousnesses.

This includes but is not limited to those entities involved in pacification, infiltration, manipulation, mind control, population control, abduction, soul harvesting, soul scalping, loosh collection, adenochrome production, sacrificing, DNA manipulation, and/or other violations of our sovereignty that we are currently unaware of.

We, as humans on planet Earth, declare ourselves the guardians and protectors of this planet under the direction of Gaia, the higher soul of planet Earth.  We recognize that only a small minority of humans are aware of the current political and exopolitical situation on planet Earth. 

Those who are aware are asked to connect to their heart and to the greater consciousness of Gaia and step up into the guardian and protector role THAT IS NEEDED AT THIS TIME.  We recognize that many humans are NOT ready for this role.  We wait for your awareness to expand and ask for your support when that awareness evolves. 

As sovereign beings and guardians of this planet, we call for an immediate cessation of resource extraction on this planet by extra terrestrial races not native to this planet and resource extraction done by natives to use outside this planet and/or for the intention to harm or manipulate beings on this planet. 

We recognize that there are many extra-terrestrial races/collectives/species that desire planet Earth as a potential home and/or source of resources. Off world beings who are involved in exploitation, manipulation, infiltration, or resource extraction of beings on this planet or of the resources of this planet will NO LONGER BE TOLERATED. 

Planet Earth and its inhabitants are closed to off world extraction until which time humanity is comfortable and confident in its sovereignty and guardianship role, humanity is aware of its long history of infiltration and exploitation, and only with the permission and blessing of Gaia and the other beings native to this planet.

The scale of suffering on this planet is untenable. This planet is to be a place where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with mutual respect and tolerance of all organic life forms and their diversity is to exist.